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What’s Wrong With the Lean Startup Methodology?

What is Lean Startup methodology? Is it good for your business?

· startup,Lean Startup



Lean Startup methodology was proposed by Eric Rice in 2011. Its goal is to eliminate uncertainty in the product development process by quickly and frequently attracting customers to test and review based on “proven training”. This methodology has been able to change the way companies develop.


Startups present a software product for clients during the entire development cycle, rather than creating a product separately from users,while teams make more informed decisions from basic functions to the color of buttons. It sounds reasonable and practical in creating a digital business.


This has become a new norm for creating a Startup. What are some of the problems posed by this new methodology that changes our thinking?

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When the methodology is repackaged it is oversimplified

more and more people are starting to believe that entrepreneurship is the solution to their corporate problems, more products are emerging to train people on how to become entrepreneurs. Not surprisingly, the methodology was slightly modified, repurposed and resold in “entrepreneurship courses” that promise to help you get “$ 10,000 a day.”

Some trustworthy entrepreneurs keep their promises. but only if your business complies with the instructions given. but in trying to turn ideas into practical steps, they often create restrictive instructions.

A popular approach to creating a landing page with a proposed solution, after launching a Google AdWords campaign, may be sufficient to check whether it should move or may not be enough for the team that wants to start promoting a luxury hotel chain to get any meaningful information on how to continue business.

Articles like “3 steps for your business idea for FREE ... almost” by Startup Bro simplify the process. they make it clear to entrepreneurs that they have completed a sufficient number of correct actions for their particular idea in order to find out which are the most appropriate next steps.

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The drive to be minimal can lead to entrepreneurs to consider sacrificing on quality when they shouldn’t

It is believed that an investor on your project is the best indicator of whether you are building something financially worthy. It will depend on what you want to build. Quality is just as important for customers to buy from you, perhaps even why they buy from you.

But some types of business may take a little more time and effort, and go a long way toward doing what makes customers pay you.

The drive to eliminate uncertainty can kill artistic vision

Stefan Lewandowski, the former technical director of Makeshift, made a case for creating a “minimum lovable product '” with the spirit of “passion and a sense of play” as opposed to creating things that can be “immediately be validated”, which potentially leads Us to “building boring startups 0.1% conversion rate”.

The desire for immediacy and minimalism can paralyze creativity, especially with regard to art-oriented products, such as clothing. When a woman buys a £ 2,000 dress from Mary Katrantzou, she doesn’t just buy clothes, she buys the designer’s artistic vision.

Sometimes we want to do things not because they can be “tested” quickly, but simply because we want to turn our consciousness into reality. Sometimes constantly asking opinions can be slow. Sometimes we have to work the other way around - starting with what we want to do and find people who love it, and not find out what people want to do from us, and then do it.

The lean startup methodology is what informs you about what I do as an individual, and how we create a team. He informs the decision-making process by helping us become more inventive, focusing on time and resources in the right place.

Each product development process should undertake something from The lean startup methodology. In an era when we see that creativity flourishes, even outside of technology, it is not surprising that this methodology, which was written with a digital product in mind, is superimposed on the production processes of non-digital products.

Regardless of what you build, be it an application or a plane, you need to accept not only the subtleties of creating a product, but also the subtleties of your motives for creating. Then and only then can you know which of the best actions to make the vision that you have in mind will become a reality.